A big shout out to all the ladies this week!!
It’s Women’s Health Week and R U OK Day, what better time to check in and see how you’re all going?!
I know COVID has meant that many women are working from home, home schooling kids, missing family and friends, feeling financial strains and many other struggles, it’s a tough time!
During difficult periods it is even more important to ensure we stay connected; whether it’s catching up on a walk, sending a letter, gift, text message and or phone call to check in on your girlfriends, family and or colleagues. These actions can make a huge difference to someone’s day.
We know women often prioritise others over themselves, but it is important that you take the time to fill your own cup also. Making time to do things that you enjoy and help you feel good is important for your overall well-being.
Over lockdown our routines have been really disrupted, maintaining a regular sleep routine and regular physical activity is beneficial for both our mental and physical health. Getting outdoors and into nature can add to these benefits.
Please talk to someone if you are not feeling OK, Beyond Blue and Lifeline are 24/7 support services:
Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636
Lifeline 13 11 14
R U OK? website has tips on how to ask if someone’s OK if you’re concerned about a women in your life: www.ruok.org.au/how-to-ask
More information about Women’s Health Week: https://www.womenshealthweek.com.au/